American Cable Electronic Services

About Us


    Founded in 1985 American Cable Electronic Services has established a reputation for superior quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Located in Bridgeport, Connecticut we have provided technical services and repairs of CATV equipment for all major MSO's for over 24 years. We repair line gear, head end equipment, optical equipment, stand-by power supplies, test equipment, and meters. We also design and manufacture custom passive combining systems and we are distributors for ASKA and Middle Atlantic products.

American Cable
"We're Here For You" !

Our products are distributed and used throughout the United States and South America.

American Cable Electronic Services
220 Orland Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06605
Phone: 1-800-711-3880
or 1-203-362-2237
Fax: 1-203-362-1188

© 2009 American Cable Electronic Services
Designed and Hosted by The Computer Company Inc.

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